Egyptian air raid on Tel Aviv, May 1948

People run away from the waterfront during an Egyptian air raid 
shortly after the establishment of the state of Israel.
The location of this photo was known as "Kikar Haknesset" or "Kikar Herbert Samuel" where the original Israeli  parliament house was located (at the junction of Alenbi st. and the Herbert Samuel board-walk).
Today the building in the back is known as the opera house. 

I colorized this photo to match late evening colors. 
Due to the lack of shadows in this shot i am under the impression that this photo was taken in the dusk hours right after sunset.

Original photo by Frank Scherschel.

Another photo taken during the same Egyptian air raid 

This is the film showing at the movie theater.
Incidentally the title matches the situation.

Here is another view of the same location in 1949.

One day after Israel's declaration of independence (on may 14th, 1948) 
The Egyptian air force attacked Tel-Aviv (on May 15th 1948).
One Egyptian plane was downed and there where 5 casualties on the Israeli side.

The deadliest air raid attack took place on May 18th,
when the Tel Aviv central bus station was attacked  and 42 people lost their life.

Egyptian air raid attacks on Tel Aviv continued up until June 3rd, 1948.


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